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2001-05-31 - *sigh*
2001-05-28 - Cloud 9
2001-05-27 - More bitching.
2001-05-26 - Bitchin'
2001-05-22 - Asshole.
2001-05-21 - Mmm...geeky goodness and cuddly cuteness
2001-05-20 - Yeah. And stuff.
2001-05-19 - A is for Augmented Bio-Technology
2001-05-18 - Dammit, why am I so stupid?
2001-05-17 - Teehee. Fun.
2001-05-16 - Perfect end to the perfect day
2001-05-15 - 40/140
2001-05-15 - G'morning
2001-05-13 - I swear my balls have fallen off the face of this planet.
2001-05-12 - Not much.
2001-05-11 - Cheeserella
2001-05-11 - Heehee.
2001-05-10 - Today
2001-05-09 - Infinite John-Boy
2001-05-08 - What a world, what a world.
2001-05-07 - Awww...squishy cute.
2001-05-07 - Walking out and holding hands
2001-05-06 - Contentment is.
2001-05-03 - Dreaming
2001-05-02 - Hugs are like violent murders; they help you feel sane and so much better.
2001-05-01 - Bitch, bitch, bitch
2001-04-28 - *shrugs* I dunno.
2001-04-26 - Frank was a contractor. Is he after you?
2001-04-22 - Another survey stolen
2001-04-16 - Snocones!
2001-04-08 - Impressive
2001-04-08 - Not dead.
2001-04-03 - Die, bitch, die!
2001-03-29 - It's Short!
2001-03-27 - Prom and Dark Menacing Voices
2001-03-24 - Big Stupid Oaf
2001-03-21 - Human
2001-03-20 - The weekend.
2001-03-16 - Blues Don't Bother Me
2001-03-14 - Again? Why, John-Boy, Why?
2001-03-14 - Survey, again.
2001-03-13 - Better now.
2001-03-12 - Depression strikes again with the hammer of hubris.
2001-03-11 - My Weekend. Whee!
2001-03-08 - Botch of Nature
2001-03-07 - Breaking ass cartilage.
2001-03-06 - I'm dreaming of a comic shop covered in snow.
2001-03-03 - Fighting
2001-03-01 - Depression
2001-02-28 - Peace and Health, my bitches.
2001-02-25 - If one person calls me Mr. Clean, I'll be forced to kill them.
2001-02-23 - I have strange friends.
2001-02-21 - At long last.
2001-02-17 - Did I mention I hated show choir? Yes? What about my English teacher? Damn.
2001-02-12 - Life sucks, or it doesn't. I dunno.
2001-02-9 - Murdering Ohio (wouldn't that be a good band name?)
2001-02-07 - Family
2001-02-05 - Beowulf
2001-02-04 - I want a bellyrub.
2001-02-03 - Stupid lead, stupid dog

This Month
Oct 2002-Jan 2003
June-Sep 2002
Feb-May 2002
Oct 2001-Jan 2002
June-Sept 2001
Feb-May 2001
Oct 2000-Jan 2001
June-Sept 2000