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retreat | go
At long last.


I'm not dead.

Now that we have that little tidbit out of the way, let's get down to business.

I'm doing pretty well. I got to tease Mellay about her webcam, I may be able to get Beta (and possibly Neek; Grace shall ask her pour moi) to come see me perform this weekend, I got to see a Buddhist lecture last night, I've had Sobe, etcetera. Good times for all! Or at least me.

The Show Choir thing we had at Alderson-Broadus wasn't a competition at all, but a seminar. Meaning, we went to learn, not to compete. And learn we did. Or at least the singers did. They didn't do too much with the instrumentalists, and absolutely nada with the stage crew. But, the instrumentalist thing got done early so we sat around and chatted while their drummer rocked the house. Aww yeah.

One stupid thing I did at AB...I promised the show queers that if we make top 3 this weekend, I'll be shaving my head. On a related topic, Eric has a class called Media Productions. Right now they're working on commercials, and his group's product is hair removal. He's asked me to star in it. I agreed, on the promise that he'll leave my beard alone. Sometimes I swear I'm just plain stupid.

Buddhism good. Walmart good. Me need learn how to sew so I can make my own SCA garb. I really don't want to go to the Blackstone Raid with sweatpants, dress shirt, and vest thingie making me look like the newbie putz that I am. I want to look like an experienced putz, dammit!

I swear I'm about to kill certain peoples for being complete and total jackasses. It's beginning to really get on my nerves when I try to make them see something and they decide to spend half an hour ranting about other people and the lack of my conversational skills, when I can't even finish a damn sentence. If I didn't have the self-control that I do, someone would be sporting a few new bruises.

I leave.

Peace and Health.


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