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Blues Don't Bother Me


To tell you the truth, I don't have much to say. Today's been kinda sucky. Not terribly, but enough to be an annoyance. And I spend time with the show queers from 7 until Sunday at 4. Whee.

However, I have the blues to make me happy. John Lee Hooker, Downchild Blues Band, Eric Clapton, Stevie Rae Vaughn...*drools* Happiness, the blues is thy name. Elation, thou art nifty guitar rifts avec voices of gravel growling out incomprehensible lyrics that are filthier than mud when metaphors are realized. Napster, thou art a beotch for stopping all my transfers dead.


Plus, I don't have anything to read. I'm out. It sucks. :(

I leave.

Peace and Health, chillen'.


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