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Weird dream last night. I was walking home and was offered a ride by a black chick with a shaved head. Turns out she's a lesbian pharmacist who wants me to kill people for her. So I, with her troupe of super-models, model in the glass display at her pharmacy and kill people as they come in.

I swear that it made sense while I was unconscious.

I pointed out to Marc some deals with Trinity books on the White Wolf site. Apparently, he nearly pissed his pants in excitement.

I'm discussing past strange dreams with a chick I met on the Spark named Gwyn. She's pretty nifty. At the moment, I'm telling her about my deer-killing dreams. Somehow, I think this may frighten her off...but, so far, she seems to be made of sterner stuff.

Knepps is decidedly odd. Go read this story that she gave me the link to. Careful, though, it's a bit hentai.

I'm leavin. I want sleep.

Slainte Mhath and Pax Vobiscum.


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