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Survey, again.


Well, Erika finally got a new diary up. Will she post in it? Probably a couple times. After that, who knows?

I'm going to steal something from her and put up the same little survey she stole from someone else. Why? Because I can!

And I'm bored.

Name - John Christian McBrayer

Date - Look up.

Location - Hurricane, WV

Height - 6'2" or 6'3"

Eyes - None.




Fine, they're green.

Hair - Black. I'm considering dying the beard, though.

Nicknames - John-Boy. There's a lot more, but that's the most common.

Family - Two brothers, two nieces, a sister-in-law, mommy, dad, my strange aunts, my granny, and a plethora of cousins. That should cover things.

Animals - Tiger, Frisky, Jessie, Little Bit, Annie, Topaz, Tasha, Bubba, Coon, White Face, the other cats plus Cornrose, Dandylion, Honeybear, and that pissy dog. And that's excluding what's in my room.


Movie - None. I liked Finding Forrestor really well, though.

Candy Bar - I dunno...Hershey's w/Almonds, I guess.

TV series - Battlebots, although I don't watch much TV.

Color - I like green and earth tones.

magazine - Doesn't apply.

person to chill with - Offline, I'm assuming. I dig hanging out with Logan when he's in, but that's freakin' rare. However, I still enjoy the company of Eric, Gaden, Erika, Roxy, Issabitcha, Buttsie, and Leba. Just...not at the same time. There'd be blood.

Actor/Actress - Robin Williams, Sean Connery, Jet Li.

Food - Meat.

Drink - Dr Pepper

quote - I have to choose one? Dammit.

"Logic is the death of this game."

word - Groovalicious.

Boy Name - Matheson, Beowulf, Puck, Fox.

Girl Name - Alexis is the only one I can think of.

Sport - Anything involving combat.

Non-Sport Game - Roleplaying, beotch.

Talk Show - *hiss*

Band (choose five)

1. Moxy Fruvous

2. Arrogant Worms.

3. They Might Be Giants

4. Booker T and the MGs

5. Blues Brothers

Movie genre - action/adventure, fantasy, comedy. If it's good, I'll watch anything, though.

Book - Basically, anything by Lois McMaster Bujold or Rosemary Edghill. Those women are goddesses.

Store - Borders

Hue of Green - Hunter Green

Topic - Uh...dunno.


Ranch or Italian - Ranch

Black or White - Black, although sometimes I may choose white. Moods, dammit, moods!

Right or Wrong - Once again, it depends on my moods. Plus, who's to say what's right or wrong?

Left or Right - So many jokes can be made about the left...teehee.

Long hair or short - Depends on the person. On me, it looks good short.

tall or short - Depends on the person. However, I'm tall and I enjoy it. Whee! I can reach things!

N'Sync or Backstreet Boys - BACKSYNC EVIL!!!

Domino's or Pizza Hut - Pizza Hut

Gadzooks or Gap - How about no?

Intimidation or Paranoia - Intimidation

Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer - *grins* I just got the greatest idea for a parody...

Bacon or Ham - Bacon

Dick or Jane - Jane

Cherry or vanilla coke - Cherry

Happy or Value meals - Depends on whether or not the toy is worth anything or not.

Gold or Silver - Silver. I don't need that Gnosis anyway.

Kill or be killed - Kill, although it depends on who/what I'm killing

Guys or Dolls - Dolls

Apple or Mac - They're both of the devil.


Have you ever been in love? I like to think so.

What's your worst fear? Being alone.

Most humiliating moment? I don't think I've had one.

What's your favorite thing to do when you're stressed? I don't get stressed that often.

What do you think about premarital sex? Not much. And I don't think much against it either. I have no real opinion.

Desert island. 3 people, 5 items, 3 foods. What they be? Probably three people I don't like, items that are totally useless, and food that's rotten. But that's in a real life situation.

What do you think is the sexiest thing about the opposite sex? I tend to go for the face.

If you could change one thing about your parents, what would it be? The annoyance factor.

What would be a good symbol to describe you? A sleeping wolf.

What are your special talents? Acting, understanding music, writing, roleplaying, being a friend, and being generally fuzzy.

Have you ever been depressed? Look in the archives a few days back and you tell me.

About what? Bad day.

Tried to commit suicide? When I was ten.

Do you think you're going to heaven or hell, if you believe in God? Heaven, most likely. I'm not enough of a bastard to go to hell, I don't think. Either one wouldn't surprise me, though.

Would you cry in public? If I had reason to.

What's the worst thing about growing up? The loss of perspective and the creativity. No one lets you be yourself; they all tell you to act your age if yo utry to have any fun that doesn't involve sex, drugs, or alcohol. The lies. Basically, everything.

What's your deepest, darkest secret? Nothing's a real secret from me. I guess the fact that I try too hard to be loved. *shrugs*

Glass. Half full or half empty? Depends on what you're doing with it.

All right, I leave now.

Slainte Mhath and Pax Vobiscum.


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