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The weekend.


Yeah, I know...I haven't updated in awhile. Ah well...it hasn't been too long, I trust.

Saturday, I woke up and got to school for show choir. That wasn't so bad...the six hour trip up felt more like two. We stopped at a mall to eat, and I bought a toy. :) It wasn't bad, until I got it out of the box. The helmet nor cloak would stay on, the horsie wasn't articulated in the least, none of the weapons or the shield stay in his hand very well, and he doesn't sit well on the horse. So I gave it to Davyd. He seems to like it. :)

I discovered something. The show queers are very sensitive to caffeine. I, however, am immune, obviously. Hendrix gave me a caffeine pill, thinking that I'd be really funny when I'm hyper. No effect. Later, I crushed up another one, put it in some Uber-Tang, chugged it, and went straight to sleep with no problems. The next day, I drank nothing but soda. I found Jolt and Penguin mints at a gas station and partook. I calmly sat and watched the movie while the pussies who drank Mountain Dew and Pepsi were bouncing off the walls. I was sleepy.

I say I a lot.

Yesterday, I had an interesting conversation with Erika. I'm not going to write about it here, since she'd probably thwack me good and proper, but, if asked, I have no qualms about sharing.

I was talking to my friend Ashley on the phone earlier while Tiger was trampling me.

"Why are you walking on me?"

"I'm not."

"Not you."

"Well, you didn't say which you you meant."

"The purring one."

"Oh. I can't purr."

"HAve you ever tried?"


"Try it!"



"No, John."

"Ashley, I'm going to make you purr."

"Uh...I gotta go."

She's on a time limit when she's on the phone (an hour), and that had hit a few minutes before, so she actually did have to go. Properly placed, no?

During lunch, Tara told me to hunt her down if I go to the Civil War Thingie this weekend. When I asked why, she didn't say. But she told her boyfriend. While she was whispering it to him, I distinctly heard "Hannah wants..." before she lowered her voice enough that I couldn't hear. Saturday, I'm going to spend the day with Erika and she wanted to go to the Civil War Thingie anyway. So, we'll go, and I'll talk to Hannah if that's indeed what this is about. I'm planning on turning her down, but, if I get soft-hearted, Erika's agreed to say she's my girlfriend. Thank all that's holy that I have friends who're willing to lie to keep me out of a bad relationship.

Not much else to say.

Slainte Mhath and Pax Vobiscum, mes putains.


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