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Did I mention I hated show choir? Yes? What about my English teacher? Damn.


Chait Wolf: *sighs* Women...Can't live with 'em...

Chait Wolf: Can't watch hot lesbian sex without 'em...

Is it really that funny? Shin and Mellay seem to think so. It could just be the crack, though...

I know, I know...I haven't updated for several days. Uh...I'm updating now. So hush.

We were discussing ballads in my English class and my teacher decided to make us listen to "modern ballads." It was country songs. For those of you who don't know me, I despise country. I spent a few moments trying to gnaw through my wrists before giving up and mocking them with Chris. Later on, she was berating us for not understanding the pieces and I raised my hand, stating that the accents made it really hard to understand the words. She pointed at me and said I couldn't really say anything about that because I was talking and laughing through the whole thing. I agreed with her. Then I proceeded to explain to the class what that particular song was about, including the intricacies that they couldn't quite grasp from it. I think I may have pissed wonderful Mrs. Robinson off. *grins* This semester is going to be fun, my friends, for I smell battle laying just beyond the next hilltop. Let slip the dogs of war, beotches!

Speaking of English, I found out why my paper was scored so low. She hated my wording, I extended beyond the text, and I overanalyzed Grendel. What does that woman want? Does she want me to puke everything she feeds me back into her lap, or does she want it digested and made into energy? I really hate teachers like her.

Heh. Punk version of the Gilligan's Island theme. Whoo!

I went to the mall today with Eric, Gaden, and Marc. I swear we were going to get kicked out. We threw crappy toys up on top of the shelves so they would never be seen by man again, ended up knocking stuff over, and we played with the little scooter things. Those things are actually fun. Whee!

I leave on a show choir trip tomorrow. I won't be back until Sunday. Sunday, I play music with the praise band for the 6:30 service. I'll let you guess how many times I've even seen the music. Hell, I have no clue as to what it even is! It could be a jazzy type thing, or a hymn, or a piece requiring The Armpit Noise played in rapid succession. It should be fun, though, considering the other guys who play are up on a professional level. And then there be John-Boy, who thinks himself decent. I actually held my own last time we played together, which kind of surprised me. It was a tough piece and I didn't practice it much. But I played it perfectly fine at the performances! Go me!

Uh...I don't think I have much else to say. So I leave. Peace and Health, mes putains.

John-Boy the Lustful

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