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retreat | go
Teehee. Fun.


I'm happy now. I got to spend time with my Ashley today. I didn't think I was going to get to, but we arranged to go to the park after play practice. It rained. So, she picked me up at the school (although the arrangement was to meet there). Since I'm going to be in Ohio on my birthday, which is in exactly one month, she gave me my birthday present today. It's a nifty picture of a wolf. :) That's exactly the type of thing I need right now too. Cause it's small, portable, and decorative. And I need such things for me to be going to Cedar Point and college soon. So, that was good. Anyway, we drove through at McDonald's to get soda, and just parked somewhere to talk and cuddle. Around 7, we went to my house, popped in "The Young Ones," and cuddled on the couch. She had to leave an hour ago. :( But, I had fun with her while I was with her. :)

Go to the link following this paragraph. It'll immediately start downloading a file. Download it and watch it. Tunak Tunak is the greatest thing ever. I'm not sure if it's the name of the guy or the song, but it's awesome.


Dad bought me a book today. :) It was a D&D supplement called "Sword and Fist." I finally have the info on how to create a Drunken Master!

And I've already given up on D&D around here. :( And, if I play up at Cedar Point, it'll prolly be 2nd Edition. So, it looks like I'll be packing this away until college. Dammit.

While Ashley and I were watching The Young Ones, the phone rang. Thinking it might be mom checking on me, I leapt to my feet, nearly fell due to the fact that my left leg was asleep, and hobbled to the phone. It wasn't. It was a chick from the play wanting to know if I wanted to go to TGIF with a group of people before the performance tomorrow. I told her I'd think about it.

Hell no, I ain't goin'. I don't much care for the cast. They're preps, mostly.

I've gotta go. Catch y'all later

Peace and Health


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