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retreat | go


Just got back from Cinderella. It ended an hour ago. I just now got back. I laid on the sidewalk and waited for Dad for awhile until he actually came. @whee

I upset John by not clutching to Ashley and telling her she couldn't leave until he met her. Damn.

I'm kind of peeved. The last song goes "Do I love you because you're beautiful, or are you beautiful because I love you?" and other such nonsense. We sing to the audience. Crackhead was in front of me, so I was unable to sing it directly at Ashley. *grumps* I wanted to be chees...er...romantic and sweet. I really need to train myself to be able to say that.

I am such a cheeseball. Today, while on the picnic with Ashley, I said "Hey hon? You got something on your mouth. Left. Your other left. Here, let me get it." And then I kissed her.

I'm gonna split. I'm freakin' exhausted. Au revoir!

Slainte Mhath and Pax Vobiscum.


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