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Botch of Nature


I seem to have shocked those in my fifth period who know me. Today, Sir took the guys back to his office to work on the song we'll have to do for auditions next week. He had us sing it in a group a few times before singling a couple people out. After they had sung, he asked if anyone else wanted to sing it by themselves. No one else was stepping forward, so I volunteered. A few people groaned, a few grinned in anticipation, and the rest stood around like sheep. Then I started to sing. Lars was laughing, so I lost my place whilst beating him. The second time I tried, though, the others in the room were impressed by the fact that I stayed in key and on pitch. And actually did a decent job at the song. I'm not great; in fact, I'm far from it. However, I'm not exactly as close to suckiness as I used to be. Go me!

In fourth period, we made paper airplanes. I made one that would actually go a decent distance. Yay me!

In third, I finished coloring my coat of arms, with liberal use of Kristen's colored pencils. Also, I cheated. I let someone else do coloring, too. *looks to make sure no one else is around* I let Eric color in the purple plumes and part of the stag's horn while I went and grabbed a soda. Don't tell anyone!

Heh...that reminds me...I'm a federal criminal. I'm serious. I took a can of bug spray and sprayed it on my skin from only one inch away at band camp. Big deal, right? Wrong! It's in violation of federal law to use it in a way not specified by the label. The label said to use it 4 - 6 inches away. Don't hang around with me...you'll go down too.

I had to sit through a sucky assembly today. It was for "Most Valuable Redskin." A guy I don't know got it. I passed notes with Roxy and tried to protect them from a bitch who snatched them out of Roxy's hands and wrote on them. So I wrote nasty messages about her as if she wasn't there. *grins* I'm evil.

David and I were flipping through his book of Shakespearean insults earlier. Teehee...they're useful. And quite good. My favorite is "You crusty botch of nature!" Teehee.

I leave now.

Peace and Health.


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