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What've you been up to, John-Boy?



What's John-Boy been up to?

* I got a girlfriend. She's all kinds of awesome. Her name is Dejah and she is, of course, a redhead.

* I pissed off Laurel, which wasn't cool. Now she's talking to me again, which is cool.

* Found out I have to shave for work, which is shittastic.

* Worked seven days straight and finally had a day off today. I slept until two, got a card from Dejah, and spent most of my time reading.

* Bought a copy of Enter the Dragon and then got pissed because the DVD player wouldn't do sound for it. It did this before on a rented copy of The Seven Samurai too, which upset me.

* Last Sunday I played at the Huntington Amtgard group and kicked ass. It was sad that I took on a monster designed to take on four or five questors by myself.

* Wednesday I take my first belt test for chuan fa. If someone says break a leg, they're the first to die.



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