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retreat | go
My past visit to Concord



Well, I went to Concord this past few days. I really enjoyed myself. :) I had been missing people so much, and it helped me remember another reason I'm going back. Last night after the performance, a bunch of folks went to eat at Macados. While we were eating, Tony looked at me and said "You're coming back next year right?" I shrugged and said "Yeah." He got this smile and said "Good. I've missed you, man. When you're not here, there's always this something missing. You're always relaxed and happy and you just spread that around." That made me feel nice.

Another thing that did it for me was all the freshmen. They all acted like they knew me, and were giving me about as much attention and hugs as the people whom I spent some of the last two years knowing. Definite grooviness.

In Amtgard related stuff, I got to fight, which was yay, and I brought in another member into Kuma's Kommandos. I just plain had fun. :)



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