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I am a mechanical genius!



Today Squeaky picked up a new stereo and a set of speakers for his car. He, knowing that he had the help of such an accomplished mechanic and engineer as myself, decided to install it himself rather than pay to have it done. We got back to the apartment and installed it on the spot. It works perfectly, even if it is upside down.

Tonight's going to suck. I go to work in two hours, which is not enough time to lay down and get any form of actual rest. So I get to work tired. With Gary (who is a complete and total assmunch, if I've not ranted about him before). Until 6 in the morning. When I get off, however, I get to sleep for a whole three hours before I get up to go to Amtgard. I'm thinking of just sleeping in my kilt.

I'm going to go chill until time to get ready.



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