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Well, that blew.



Well, that was asstastic.

As you can see by my previous entry, there was the Cumberland Celtic Festival this weekend. Day 1, this evening, is supposed to be the regular Friday After Five stuff except with Celtic elements. The Celtic elements they included were a couple of flags and one craptacular "musical group" that butchered "Danny Boy" in between "You Are My Sunshine" and "I've Been Working On The Railroad." Now, I have nothing wrong with getting funny looks in public while I'm kilted, but it's pretty bad when two or three people come up to you at what's supposed to be a Celtic festival and ask me why I'm wearing a skirt. I was only there for about an hour too. Damn that blowed.

I'm going to go drown out my sorrows with my ghetto cup of Code Red and Squeaky's new copy of Chasing Amy.



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