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A poem to a kittycat



Yesterday sucked. Then I did homework and played with a kitty. Afterwards, I just sat online and had interesting conversations. This made it all better.

Today, I wrote a poem to the kitty of yesterday. :)

When I woke up this morning, Keith wanted to show me something on his computer. To do so, he had to go through random pictures on this one thing to find it. As he was doing so, I went "Oh, hey. There's a picture of Hannah and her husband." One could consider it an ill omen to see a picture of one's more notorious exes and her husband on "Oh Lord, Everything's Frickin' Pink" Day, but I dunno. It just strikes me as a bit odd, but I think I'll just go about my day as normal. For some reason I'm in a good mood. Yay!

And now for a poem to a cat.

Scruffy yellow cat

Crookshanks, Apollo, Leroy

His name doesn't matter

He doesn't respond to it anyway.

Kneading the air with his paws

or maybe my arm, depending on his mood

His purrs rumble from his matted-fur frame

Reminding me of winterdays snuggled up with my own cats,

warmth oozing from their striped bodies as their quiet voices celebrate life.

Cat, oh cat,

your friendly furry form eases the pains

Of an everyday bad day.

Wide sweet face with innocence behind his golden eyes

and love, perhaps, for all who love you,

feed you, pet you, untangle your matted fur.

Maybe I'll call you Liono...



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