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Valentine's Day part 2, with a special aside.



Today wasn't too bad. After classes, I got stuff to make fruit pizza as described to me by Ali. Basically, here's the instructions.

Roll out some sugar cookie dough into a pizza pan. Cook. Cool. Spread cream cheese on it. Add fruit, probably sliced up. I used banana, raspberries, kiwi, and mandarin oranges. It turned out pretty well. :)

We had a lot of good food tonight at the valentine feast. Hot wings, stirfry, rice, some Greek stuff that Greg made, bread, two cakes, fruit platters, soda, mashed potatos, spaghetti with homemade sauce, fruit pizza, a bag of Starbursts...I think that's it. And I would like to note something. Anything that required actual cooking was done by the men. The mashed potatos (which were instant), fruit platters, Starbursts, storebought bread, and such were all brought by the women. And Jeannie made a comment before about not trusting the men's cooking....bah! Bah I say!

Afterwards we watched movies. The Princess Bride and Snatch. We watched some Sifl and Olly too, but most people had left by then and it was just a smaller handful of people than earlier. So I pretty much just sat around for awhile and gave Joni and Tera backrubs. I can think of worse ways to spend my Valentine's Day.

And someone decided to leave a comment on my last entry. Dragoness, of http://f4sakendauter.diaryland.com, I would like to kindly invite you to fuck off. I don't mock you when you try to do something you're not the best at, and I wouldn't do that even if I actually read your diary. Because, you see, I'm not an asshole who hides behind an anonymous name in the safety of the internet and tries to tear down the creative attempts of others to make myself feel better. If that's what you like to do, I can't stop you. However, in case you weren't aware of what you were doing, that's what some people call "being an ass biting cunt." I, however, will simply say this. Don't do that to me. You wouldn't like it if someone did it to you, so please don't do it to me.

Heehee. Joni arches her back like a kitty's when she's getting scritchies. :)



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