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Send forth the he-bitch!



The Laramie Project opened tonight. Not too bad, I don't think. Some of the props went missing, but I haven't heard of anything else major.

They didn't feel like putting in everyone's names in the program, especially since when the programs were printed nobody knew who the running crew was definitely going to be. So who are we? "Running Crew - Agents of Chaos" I'm happy with that.

Not only am I an Agent of Chaos, but I was given another title today. I am the official he-bitch of the production. If something needs done, you tell the stage manager or the assistant stage manager. They say it needs done, and I run off to do it. Someone wants a coke? I run off and get it. Stage needs mopped or swept? Send forth the he-bitch!

Irish and I were the only ones to go to Amtgard today. People in the Subway were bored and watching us, so we tried to make it interesting. How'd we make it interesting? I let him get a good chest shot in and I fell to roll down the hill. Did I roll? No. Basically, I hit the ground, did a weird flip-roll over my shoulders, and ended up with my face in the ice. I'd say snow, but, no, it was definitely ice. You have to crack through a good inch of the stuff to get to snow. It's kind of fun to tromp through, though. :)

I go now.



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