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I just got out of philosophy class, and today was definitely interesting. We were discussing a definite good and evil versus relativism. It started out as just an example, but ended up taking the rest of the class. The majority of the class was quiet for it, but there was a good argument going between a relativist, a friend of mine, and an elitist asshole. The elitist's statements were along the lines of "If you don't believe the exact same way I do, then you're an idiot." He made some good points, but, mostly, just repeated them over and over. Fergy, who was acting as relativist, kept prodding him for the "why" of it, and the "Well, who judges it?" The elitist finally just looked at him funny and said "I can't talk to heathens." If he had kept going, he would have had a chance to win the argument. As it was, though, he conceded in a manner that made him think he came out ahead by leaving what he saw as beneath him.

There was someone else who refused to commit himself to any cause, but kept saying "Well, Lewis said this" and "Lewis said this other thing." Anytime he opened his mouth, the word Lewis came out. Half the time what he said had nothing to do with anything else in what was going on. He reminded me of the guy from the movie "Good Will Hunting," actually.



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