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Today's events, pretty much


Today was pretty good. I went to the mall to get Dad and Granny gifts for Father's Day and Gran's birthday respectively. Dad I got a Jerry Garcia action figure I found in Toys R Us and, for Granny, I got a little children's book with a stuffed woodchuck that came with it. I think they'll enjoy them.

Later in the day, I took apart my baskethilt broadsword. I took the guard off, modified it, and replaced it as a cross guard after taking off two inches of blade. It's kind of heavy, so I wrapped some wire and duct tape around the base of the hilt to help balance it. It's not as balanced as I like, but it could be worse.

I also made cookies. I called up Ashley and she came over and "helped" me bake. She sat in a rocking chair, nursing a migraine, watching me cook and do dishes. So I smeared soap bubbles and a little bit of cookie batter on her. She did the same to me and I forgot to wipe it off until she made me before I hugged her goodbye. I'm really glad she and I are friends again.

Job hunt is still fruitless. Bah.

Awhile ago I bought ten feet of PVC. I cut off a four foot length of it for the maul. The remaining bit is a little over six feet long. *grins* I'm thinking it's time for a claymore of truly massive proportions. I need to get me to Walmart and Lowes. I need camp pad, cord, tape, and enough cloth to make a cover. The cord and cloth aren't really necessary right now, but I would definitely like to have them. I'm going to take my time with this weapon and see exactly how well I can make it. I want this one to be good.



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