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retreat | go


Yesterday I woke up at 9:20 to clean my room so I could go see A Beautiful Mind with Reka. We got there five minutes before the movie started and the line was long enough that we wouldn't get in until after it was started. Including previews, of course. I'm guessing if we had gone through anyway, it would have started early too, just to piss me off. Murphy's Law applied to movies.

So, we went to the mall. Or, we tried to go to the mall. Reka got lost by being absolutely positive that she knew the way there better than anyone else. So I let Eric try to give her directions while I just sat and rode.

Interesting thing - at the mall, I ran into a couple of people from college. If I hadn't noticed Adam, though, they wouldn't have seen me. Why? They didn't recognize me.

I'm confuzzled by this, actually. How have I changed? The closest I can come is jacket, no hat, and my hair no longer has that ugly chunk of blonde. *shrugs*

I went to a LAN party today. I enjoyed myself and kicked a lot of ass. Whilst playing Unreal Tournament, I used the Nali Warcow skin. Considering the closest game we had in there had me winning by five frags rather than ten or fifteen, I began saying "Bow before the cow god." When we left to get pizza, Woody and Marc decided I needed to be known as John "The Cow" Boy. I pointed out that that would make it seem like they're calling me John the cowboy, so they began to assail mine ears with what is best decribed as "the traditional cowboy whoop." You know damn well what I mean, I shan't repeat it here.

I'm leaving.



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