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retreat | go
Thinking, for once.


I don't think I've made an actual entry in this thing for a long time. Mostly I've just been writing about the day's events rather than anything worthwhile, like my thoughts or something like that.

Really, I think I wouldn't have been making entries at all lately if my diary didn't have its devoted fans. You know who you are. The ones who poke at me if I haven't updated in a week or two. Patience, pets, patience. If you go through my archives you'll see that I go through phases. Sometimes I update four times in a single day. Other times I update four times in a two month period. It varies per worthy ideas. Let them come, my children! Your thirst for my thoughts shall be slaked with a veritable flood if you but wait!

All right, that made no sense to me either.

Basically I'm now trying to think of something to write. I can't think of anything, so I'm just writing out my thoughts. Sometimes this works better than judging it before it comes out. Other times you get something along the lines of what I wrote above. *sighs* No one method is perfect, I guess.

I tried to call Pam today but only got the machine. In my head I had this whole smooth message plotted out in case this happened. What came out was "Uh...hey Pam, this is John-Boy. Uh...just calling to say hi. Um...gimme a call, okay?" One would think that I'd be able to stick more to the script, but one would think a lot of things. One would think that I would have made a New Year's Resolution, for instance. But, let me point you back a year.


Read that. The rest of this will wait until you're done.

I still believe that. No special day is a day for change, every day is special and you need to change every day. Otherwise you remain stagnant, get boring, and start to smell funny.

"But John-Boy! You haven't changed beliefs! Aren't you being a hypocrite?"

I could put up an argument about that here, but I'm lazy. So...

Yep. I'm a hypocrite. Bitch at me if you like, but I'm a big ole hypocrite. Keep in mind, though, that there's guaranteed something you're a hypocrite about, so "let he who is without sin" and all that.



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