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retreat | go
Mine! All mine!


Today I got up early and spent time with Buttsie. It was good to see her again.

I also got to hang out for about ten minutes with Michelle today. I was cleaning my room, found a bunch of Piers Anthony books I'll probably ne'er touch again, and called her to see if she wanted 'em. We talked on the phone for awhile and I tried to tempt her over with food (I was very very bored), but finally won her over with books. Well, actually she was going to Dan's and I just convinced her to stop here so I could get them off my hands...but, still! The main idea is there!

Dave and I finished the play yestereve. Everyone I showed it to seems quite enthusiastic about it. Or at least they giggled a little. However one sentence was repeated oft enough "It's for a very specific audience." I agree whole heartedly, but I tried to make it amusing for all.

I don't know if I'm going to post it or not. Someone already threatened to post it if I wasn't going to; I don't care who you are, if you are not myself or my brother you have no right to do that. And if you do do it, I'll be quite peeved.

I leave.



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