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Seeking a life useful


Tonight was Alpha Psi Omega initiations. We got in costume appropriate to our characters, played Weakest Link, were told ghost stories, blindfolded, were led around the fine arts building, unblindfolded, and then made to dance around the main theater, copying whichever cast member happened to be in front of us at the time. Tres interestante, to say the least. The lights were turned out, candles were lit, and we each told why we were qualified to join, followed by one of our family members saying why they thought we were qualified to join. John did mine and I'd like to quote/paraphrase it to the best of my ability.

"John-Boy has not only the heart of an actor, but the soul of one and I think it shows in everything he does. He doesn't so much like theater or even love it as much as he needs it. Without theater, his soul would wither and die."

I liked that.

We did our monologues. They went well enough, and I was last. I think it's good that no one went after me because I think I would've shown them up. I'm not being arrogant here, but I treated it like a performance and did well enough that I was proud of it. Considering that I was doing some writing today and couldn't get happy with what I came out with, it made a pleasant change.

I saw part of a show tonight. There's a group called One Handed Molly that played tonight. I got in about halfway through, but enjoyed what I heard. Afterwards, I grabbed one of the posters from around the area and got signatures. Every one of them made a comment on my attire, for I was still garbed as the Thane of Glamis and Cawdor. However, everyone mistakes me for a pirate. Foolish mortals.

Anyway, their drummer had a digital camera and was taking pics for their website. I appeared in three of them. If any of them go up, I shall place much linkage here so you can see me in garb. When one of the band members asked why I was dressed up, a couple of people said "Oh, he's always dressed like that" as if it weren't a big deal. My mission is slowly becoming successful...



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