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I did my English at play practice tonight. I've learned that yes, I can indeed write forever without saying anything. Practice went well, even though I sat there and wrote for the most part. Afterwards, I failed to get a skittish little white kitty to be my buddy, so I just walked Mandy back to her dorm.

Knepps and I have weird conversations.

Beth sent me a green beret. ;)

I got my 3VIL L33T shirt today. Three people asked me to translate it for them. r0xx0r d4 ll@|/|@!!!

I made my first flatblade Amtgard sword this weekend. God, is it ugly. It's almost as ugly as my first claymore. :)

Alaghi tired...



(by the way, everybody thank Michelle for making the new design. It purtyful)

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