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retreat | go
I'm naked. And not in the good way.


"Holy shit, that's the guy with the beard?" - some big black guy in the lobby a few minutes ago

I woke up considering skipping my first two classes. I won't say I'm glad I got up, but I got a waffle, so it didn't suck as bad as it could have.

I had a test in music today. First one done, came back and took a nap. Precious precious nap.

Whilst at lunch, Chad and Michelle asked me if I wanted to go with them to the courthouse to go to a blood drive. I looked at my watch and figured we'd be back in time for band, so said sure.

We got to the courthouse. The blooddrive had been cancelled. >.< But, I found out from the local Kat that a bloodmobile will be coming sometime this month, so mayhaps then.

I got back and checked my mail. Considering that I had my nerve up to do something, I used the razor Mommy sent me. I went through four blades, even after trimming my beard down to stubble.

Comments on the above.


"He's so cute!!" (note - the pronunciation of cute there is more like key000000te. Think 13 year old AOL cyberchyk.) (note - it was said by Drew while pinching my cheek before realizing I was in prime position to punch him in the balls)

"He's kinda cute without the beard."

"You look a lot younger."

"Who the hell are you?"

That last one was the most popular.

My theater group made fun of me. :( All I did was say "Mayhaps!"

I'm leaving.



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