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Holy , Batman!


I just thought of something funny. "Holy Expletive Deleted, Batman!" I don't know why, but I was laughing for a good five minutes after that. I thought of it while walking to my dorm after German class. Considering from a few things I did during class, I'm sure that my classmates were already thinking me to be odd. However, when I'm walking by myself and suddenly burst out into laughter...

I've been informed twice today how funny I am. Almost immediately behind that was how mean I am. Make up your minds!!!

Today during sectionals, Jeremy was staring at my shirt and asked me to move my horn so he could get a better look. When I did, he exclaimed something profane and had everyone else look and see how I looked exactly like Jerry Garcia. It didn't help when, earlier in the day, we were in Music Theory and the Cap'n mentioned how I looked exactly like the conductor in a piece we were watching.

I went to the libary today and picked up three books. Shogun by James Clavell, The Five Rings by a Japanese guy whose name I can't remember, and Martial Arts of Rennaissance Europe. :) Awww yeah.

I'm hungry, dammit.

On that note, I leave.



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