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Why is college this boring?



I need to find some way to occupy my time. I really do. But everything's closed on the week-ends. I'm thinking of going home next week, though. Mommy's birthday was today and I'm kinda sad that I missed it. And I'm peeved because anytime I try to call out I get a busy signal, and because my email's been down all day. And since I don't remember her email addy, I can't use one of my other addies to tell her happy birthday. >.<

I went to Amtgard today, which was kinda cool. There were three of us and we talked and dueled for maybe an hour or so. Then it rained. But I have a claymore now. :) When Dave gave it to me, he told me to watch out because it was heavy. It weighs maybe two pounds. The blade is just a tad over four feet in length and it weighs two pounds. And he said it was heavy. There are some things I just don't understand about people. But, I think I made a decent showing for myself for someone using a claymore versus sword and board or double weapons. I won maybe two or three, got a simo (simultaneous deathes), and got my right arm removed just about every match. But it was cool. :)

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back kicks ass. I know some people haven't seen it yet so I won't put up any quotes or spoilers. But, go! Watch! It rocks the llama in at least three different ways!

I'm going to go. I just found out that the library's actually open on Sundays, so I think I'll go see if they have The Five Rings.



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