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retreat | go
Day Three


I just got an email of "fatherly advice" from Dad after he read my last entry. *rolls eyes* I love him, but he assumes too much. Just because I complain it doesn't mean that anything's wrong. I just feel like complaining. It's a human thing. And as much as I deny it, I am indeed human.

I have come to the conclusion that I am the pitied freshman after what happened yesterday. I couldn't find the practice field, so I got there by following the drum line. Therefore, I got there twenty minutes late. Everyone was already up there and, when they saw me, at least three people told me "Hey, if I hadn't thought you already had a ride, I would've driven you up here." Also, at random times, people I don't know will say, "Hey John-Boy. How's it goin'?" It could be that they're just friendly and remember my name, but I dunno.

And I've been given a ride to and from the practice field since, by the way. Each time by a different person.

It looks like I'm going to lose weight without intention. I burn off my meals in about two hours and get hungry again. And then I have to wait another two hours before I can eat again. Except for between dinner and breakfast. Then I get to wait 15 hours. >.< I need to get a big ole bag of beef jerky or some kind of snacks. Bread and cheese would be good, but I don't have a fridge to keep it in. I just need food so I can make sure I'm not hungry.

I think Mom's bringing people up on Saturday to bring the rest of my stuff. :) I can get her to take me out and feed me! Yay!!

I gotta go. There's a baseball game we're playing at and I gotta be at the practice field in half an hour.

slainte mhath!


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