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Leavin' in the morning


Many quotes tonight. However, the ones with Izzy I can't remember worth shit. So, I shall just put up some other ones, hoping she'll remember them.

Lathi - I sense the potential for a grand experiment in mindfuckery.


Me - Why does everyone love my penis?

Kneppsies - Well, it's big, it's fuzzy, and it can sing. What's not to love? It's the Fozzy Bear of Penises.


All right, so it's not "many quotes." But I had two more really good ones from Izzy!

I leave tomorrow. Everything's packed up except for my toothbrush, medicine, fan, and alarm clock. I'm kinda worried, but I think I'll generally be all right. John-Boy big boy now.

I'm tired.

Peace and Health


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