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You get to burning


To quote Will, "Damn writer's block."

I've been trying to flesh out my Changeling character, but it's just not working right. My muse has left the building, apparently.

However, I still managed to come up with names and basic shtuff for groups for Reka's RPG. My muse is being selective, apparently.

My Ashley has passworded her diary again, and this time she didn't give me the password. I don't whether I should be curious or worried. I'll check with her in the morning (early afternoon) and see if it's something she feels like talking about.

Amber IMed me today to ask my opinion on the intro to a novel she's writing/her latest diary entry. Pretty nifty. :)

I'm tired. I think I'll go see if I can sleep, or if too much Tang's still in my system.

Slainte Mhath


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