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I'm sweet, obviously.


I'm happy. We finally started Beowulf in English today. Unfortunately it was only about the first three pages. Bright side, though, we covered the history and culture of the period that it was written in. *evilly grins* So guess who did more teaching than the teacher today? And, believe it or not, I restrained from giving many more details on their culture and history than the book gave. *whistles innocently*

I'm getting a cable modem on Thursday. I'd speak more about that, but it's rather pointless. Let's just say I'm pretty damn happy.

I discovered today that, from who I asked, it's unaminous that I'm sweet and a nice guy. A lot of people had been saying that over the past few weeks, so I asked some people why they thought that, if they thought that at all. Here are some quotes.

Neek - "Because you say nice things, and you wanna get married, not just screw around with chick's minds. And bodies." and "Dood, to a chick, a guy who wants to cuddle more than have sex is the sweetest thing in the world."

Michelle - "No one can be nice all the time, but you've never really been pissy to me. Or to anyone who didn't deserve it, that I've seen."

Mellay - Because of the way I talk to her and treat her.

Mars - "Well, you can be blunt about things, but you usually don't mean it to be mean. You seem to really care about other's feelings. You seem to get very concerned when someone near you isn't feeling up to snuff. You seem like a big fuzzy teddy bear"

Beta - " 'cause you are. You're certainly not a jerk; you're a really nice guy. You've always been nice to me, and I can't say as I've ever heard Neek complain about you being mean or anything. You're a good friend, a good guy."

Teehee. I feel loved.

Peace and Health.


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