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Vivot! Vivot!


Today, I actually listened to the lyrics of a song. Normally, I tend to ignore the words and just let it all wash over me. Anyway, the song is called "Wishes" by the Minstrels of Mayhem. What it's about is a fool wishing he was smart, a blind man wishing to see, and a deaf man wishing he could hear. The Wiseman that they were talking to merely shook his head and wished that sometimes he wasn't smart, able to see, or able to hear. Then a little boy came up and said he wished he could fly. The wiseman agreed. The song is really very touching. I suggest it to anyone.

I'm still sick, but I'm recovering. My cough has faded quite a lot, but my nose is still stuffed up. And, due to the fact that I've been blowing it so much, it's raw as well. Whee!

Today wasn't that bad. It was boring, but wasn't bad. I woke up in the middle of the night and reached for something, ended up touching Frisky. He meowed at me and I said "Yeah, Frisk, I know. You're a good little ambassador cat." I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the dream I'd been having, but, now remembering the dream, I think it makes very little sense. Ah well...I think it's funny.

I got accepted to work at Cedar Point this summer. Starting June 8th, I'll be the Arcade Host for $6.25 an hour. With a dollar per hour bonus at the end of the contract. Erika and I are still trying to figure out if we're going to get an apartment there or just live in the dorm things. Wouldn't be too bad either way, really. *shrugs*

I leave now. School tomorrow.

Slainte Mhath and Pax Vobiscum.


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