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Mean Ole Cuss


Today, I got a phone interview with the Cedar Point guy. I think it went pretty well. He and I joked around a little bit. Not enough to get off track, but enough to make things a little more casual. For instance, he asked why I wanted to work in the arcade up there. My response was "I think the atmosphere and work would appeal to me more than that of other jobs. Plus, I'm a geek. Video games call to me." "Oh, so everyone who works in an arcade is a geek?" "I didn't say that. You did. However, I am a geek. And geeks in general would rather work in the arcade." All right...so it didn't go exactly like that. But, that pretty much sums things up. You get the idea.

Today, on Dangerous Games, Marillion and I have created what is most likely the most vulgar thread in that game's entire existence, including all of it's previous names and sites. We're gonna make this the cussin'est game this side of the Mississippi!

Excluding any games put out by White Wolf. Them bastards is tough to beat.

I'd write some more, but I've got a curious case of writer's block. I can write the beginning of something, but I can't end it effectively right now. It sucks donkey nuts.

I leave. Peace and Health, my bitches.


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