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ENGINEER YOUR AUNT! Do it! You will be grateful for having done so. Yolutsky promises to cease his diddling with your ears.

This is the product of The Surrealist Compliment Generator, located at http://www.madsci.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/~lynn/jardin/SCG. It's quite humourous.

You know, I'm pretty sure I did something today worth talking about, but I really can't think of anything.

Oh yeah...I found a friend I hadn't talked to in forever online. Also, I finally got Gwen's IM names from Michelle. Huzzah!

Ooo...speaking of Michelle, she got an obscene instant message today. She complained to me about it, so I sent the guy an instant message basically saying "Hey! Lay off my wife!" Kinda freaked him out.

In Show Choir tonight, the singers were working on the bows and, at one point, they do the hand gesture thingie at us as if to give us props for playing. I really think we should be naked for that part. I mean, if people are going to be looking at us, we might as well give them something to remember, right? Later in the evening, people were packing up stuff and lugging it back to the cultural center. I took care of my horn and stand, which is the extent of what I'm supposed to take care of, held the door for people for awhile, and waited outside for awhile. It's then that I realized for the night, "Hey! I'm really being a bastard tonight!" Why? A few chorists passed by me and said (as a general announcement, really) "Hey, you'd better get back to the band room or she'll cut your grade." I'd worry about that if she could cut my grades. For me, band is my class, not show choir. And I told them that. And I laughed. And I walked around on the concrete bench. Whoo! What fun.

All right, I'm just ranting now. Slainte Mhath and Pax Vobiscum.


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