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Yesterday I went to the SCA event hosted by the Barony of Blackstone Mountain. Last night, I dreamt about it. I don't recall much of the dream, just that it was about the event.

Anyway, my day went as thus. I woke up around eight to grab some pancakes and Gatorade and generally get ready. Stuffed my garb in a bag, and went outside to wait for Michelle around 9:28. Just when I got out there, I saw her pulling into the driveway. Awww yeah.

First off, we headed up to Huntington to hit Magic Makers. Why? Because Michelle had no costume. So we rented her one. It wasn't bad, but it was too expensive. She bought some better garb at the event for $40. And she spent $74.20 to rent something lesser. I think she felt bad about that.

Anyway, after Magic Makers we hit the flea market to try to find proper feastware. We didn't find shit. Well, we did find shit, but not the proper kind. So we left and went back to Michelle's house to change. Her mom insisted upon pictures, and Antoine insisted upon being a jackass. We borrowed a few plates, forks, and glasses for feastware and scampered off to Charleston. Unfortunately for us, we ended up going to the South Charleston High School instead of the Junior High School. >.< At the High School, there was a basketball game instead of an SCA event. So we stopped at the nearby gas station to get instructions and Dr Pepper. We got our directions and got to the school with no problems. We paid our fees, went in, and located Michelle's friend Gwen near the garb merchant. They played with clothing while I hung out at Cut Rate Cutlery and wandered over to watch the rattan tourney. Damn, I enjoyed the fights. They were over quickly, but they were exciting and quite enjoyable.

We basically hung out and talked to people for the majority of the day. We went to court, which was boring, but interesting in some parts. After that, it was time for feast. *drools* If nothing else had sold me on joining, that meal did it. It was three courses, all of it good. But two things stick out most in my mind. The bard that came over and told us a story while we ate, and the braised beef. The beef was delicious and the bard was wonderful.

After feast, we just ended up hugging people g'bye (including one person who I don't think I even spoke to. But she wanted a hug, so I hugged her.) and splitting. All in all, it was an enjoyable day.

A few events I just remembered to write about. During feast, I said "huzzah" over something. Gwen stared at me as if in shock and said "How did you know that?" It turns out that it's in common usage in other kingdoms and for Middle Eastern things (which I figured, considering what it is), but not said around there because the local equivalent is "Vivat." Second thing I feel like I should mention is that since Michelle and I are thinking of joining, we're considering making our personas brother and sister. I'm thinking of using the name "Matheson." Any opinions?

Slainte Mhath and Pax Vobiscum.


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