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retreat | go
Yeah, it sucks.


For those of you who don't know, I am in Show Choir. We're doing a Grease/50s show this year. So, the instrumentalists have to look 'fifties.' What does that mean? White shirt, dark jeans (supposedly tight), and a certain type of shoe (Converse's "Chuck Taylors." Basically, they're canvas hightops.). No problem, right?

"Chucks," as they are so commonly called, come in a range of sizes from I don't know to 12. No problem for most people. However, John-Boy is not most people. John-Boy is not a normal person. John-Boy is especially not a normally sized person. I'm quite the big lad. What does the big lad wear in shoes? Size fifteen. I can cram into a 14 and maybe a 13. A 12? Not a chance in hell.

This would normally not be a problem. I could just go to the show choir director and present the problem. However, Mrs. Edwards is a psychopath. If things don't go her way, she tends to bitch and rant. I'm fine with that. However, if she begins to blame me for it, I'm seriously thinking of quitting. The show sucks, the company sucks, and the atmosphere sucks. Why do I do it, then? Because no one else will. Which means, if I quit, she's screwed. And a few of the other instrumentalists (the horns, if anyone) may come with me. Doubtful, but there's the possibility. And if that happens, she's doubly screwed. We're not the 'best of the best' or anything like that. We're whoever the hell she could get to play for her. We're not the bottom of the barrel, either. We're bits and pieces stolen from the band barrel. And we're the only ones who were willing to be stolen.

In other news, today, in Driver's Ed, we played with the drunk goggles. We went up to a parking lot and had to go around it, through a serpentine, and parallel park. Some of the ways people did these things were quite funny. Unfortunately, the rest of the group has decided to buy me a pair. Why?

Because I drove better with them on than any other time they've seen me. Pathetic, really.

I also got sheared today. My head is now less fuzzy. Well, not really. It just has shorter fuzziness.

I leave.

Peace and Health


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