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New Year's Rant

New Year's

Happy New Year. Yeah.

It's officially the new millenium. What does that mean? People are making resolutions. "So, John-Boy, what're your resolutions?"

About four years ago or so I made a resolution to not make resolutions. "Why ever would you do such a thing, John-Boy?" Because I think it's better to learn to be happy with what you are rather than make promises that you won't keep to try to turn yourself into a person you'll never be. Call me cynical but New Year's just means it's time to put up a new calendar for me. This year is the year of the wolves for me, instead of my normal Star Wars calendar.

I'm John-Boy. It's 2001. Nothing's changed but the last digit of the year. If you're the type of person who's psyched about all this, then don't let me get you down. That's far from my intent. Happy New Year. Go have fun. Don't kill anyone. And don't do anything stupider than usual. But this isn't really a time to change.

Actually, I'd like to take that back. New Year's is a time to change. So is tomorrow. And the day after. Change is now! But not just now. It's every day in every way, baby. That's one of the few constants in life; things change. No matter what, things are changing.

"Why yes, Officer, I am True Chaotic. Why do you ask?"

I watched Cast Away today. Very good movie. Very moving. Then I watched Any Given Sunday. It didn't really make sense. No plot whatsoever. However, it did have Al Pacino in it.

I leave.

Slainte Mhath and Pax Vobiscum.


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