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D&D - 2 stars - Irons and Wayans. Haha.


Last night, I went to the Dungeons & Dragons movie with Eric, Stephen, and Ereka in costume. We hit K Mart first for some cheapass candy, and the Navy guys were hanging out with the Salvation Army. When we passed by, one of them said "Hey! There's finally someone here dressed funnier than we are!" I turned to him and said, "You know, I was thinking the same thing." So, he gave us shitty rulers that he had to pass out. :)

At the theater, we were approached by several guys involved with Amtgard and the SCA asking if we were members. When it was discovered that we weren't, they immediately gave us the information. Aw yizeah.

About the movie - Jeremy Irons overacted. It was funny. Marlon Wayans died and actually did some good acting before hand. Yes, he was Jar Jar, but he did do some good stuff and he did die, so he gets a thumbs up. I give it about a 6 if you're familiar with D&D, about a 7 if you're not. A good way to waste a few hours, but watch it in the theaters for the special effects and try to get the matinee.

We also rented Mallrats on the way home. The only Kevin Smith movie any of them had ever seen before was Dogma, and only Eric and I had seen that one. They enjoyed it, however, and I feel I may have converted some new View Askew fans. :) Hell, I turned them to roleplaying, I've turned them to VA, I swear I'm cultivating my own little geek farm over here. :)

I leave now. Slainte Mhath and Vax Pobiscum!


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