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retreat | go
My day. Yeah, it was boring. But it was fun!


When I woke up today, I hurt and my nose was stuffed up. Things cheered up after that. Mommy and I went to see "Men of Honor" at the Keith Albee Theater in Huntington. Good movie, good theater. I got chills.

I also got M&Ms, about 2/3s of Mom's popcorn, and dice. I got the dice on the way back to the car when we were passing Hobby Exchange. I ducked in there, was tempted to jump in a geek argument over how one can be truly evil and still work with a mostly good party, and picked out two pretty box thingies of dice. Yeah, I paid too much for pieces of plastic. Yeah, I could've gotten it cheaper by buying it piecemeal from the tray. But, hey! If you're remarking on that, you're probably Neek or Logan, and Logan can't talk. We all know about those nifty dice you paid about $2 each for...beotch.

We picked up my Granny (she's staying the night so her and Mommy can go to the amish country tomorrow) and ate dinner, stopped by the mall, and came home. I grabbed my stuff and immediately got back in the car so I could go to roleplaying (Aberrant night). It wasn't too bad. We ended up fighting the matter master I think I bitched about in an earlier entry. It could go in and out of the walls, flames, smoke, and everything else like it was water. And sculpt it like Playdough. It's a real bastard to fight, especially since it had a grudge against me for last time (I cut it in half).

I leave now. Slainte Mhath!

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