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Would you like to take a survey?


I love Beta. I truly need to marry her.

On her diary (http://fruzcool.diaryland.com/001017_73.html), she put up a survey thing with her own answers on it. I'm going to steal it and put it (with my answers, of course) up here. Compare! Are we not similar? Or something?

1. What time is it? 10:12 PM

2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: John Christian McBrayer

3. Nicknames: John-Boy, Bear, Cannibal, Chait

4. Parent's names: Pat and Brenda

5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 2.

6. Date that you regularly blow them out: June 17th

7. Pets: I have cats. They own me.

8. Height: 6'2" or 6'3"

9. Eye Color: Green

10. Hair color: Black

11. Piercing: No. Definitely no.

12. Tattoos: Not currently. Thinking of one, though.

13. How much do you love your job: John-Boy no work.

14. Birthplace: West Virginia

15. Hometown: Hurricane

16. Current Residence: Hurricane

17. Had the drink Calypso Breeze? Alaghi no need Breeze.

18. Been in love before? Yep.

19. Been to Africa? Nope.

20. Been toilet-papering? Nope.

21. Been drunk? Nope.

22. Been toilet-papered? Nope.

23. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Ye.

24. Been in a car accident? Nope

25. Croutons or Bacon Bits: *hiss*

26. 2 doors or 4 (on your car): 4

27. Sprite or 7 Up: Of the two, I'd have to say 7 Up. But I prefer other things.

28. Coffee or Coffee Ice cream: *hiss*

29. Blanket or Stuffed Animal: Aminal. Big one.

30: What's your favorite number? 42 or 37

31. Why? I need not explain such things to you.

32. Favorite Movie: I don't really know.

33. Favorite Holiday: Christmas or Halloween.

34. Foods: Something that doesn't move first and isn't naturally green (plants bad!).

35. Day of the week: Roleplaying days.

36. TV Shows: Alaghi no watch TV. Battlebots, though. Hey, it's on tomorrow!

37. Word or phrase: Uh...mother funky. Groovalicious. Sloop.

38. Restaurant: Burger King if I'm on a budget.

39. Flower: I'm not a flower person. Orchids are ok, I guess.

40. Alcoholic Drink: You're asking the wrong person.

41. Sport to watch: I'd rather participate. But, I like just about anything involving combat. Fencing, karate, boxing...

42. Type of Ice Cream: Pralines and Cream or Daquiri ice.

43. Sesame Street Character: Did you know there's one that's semi-new called Ross Parrot? Heh heh. I like Oscar.

44. Disney/Warner bros Movie: Batman was done by WB, wasn't it? (yeah, I cheat) Disney, though...Snow White.

45. Fast Food Restaurant: Burger King

46. When was your last hospital visit? Sophomore year, I think. That's when I sprained my ankle.

47. Favorite Drink: Soda.

48. What color is your bedroom's carpet? No carpet.

49. What was the name of your childhood blanket? Didn't name it.

50. How many times did you fail your Permit and/or Drivers License Test? Uh...once. I failed the eye test.

51. Who is the last person you got mail from before this one? Diaryland. Needed my password.

52. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? Either White Wolf online, or Popular Link

53. What do you do most often when you are bored? truthfully? Talk, get online, read

54. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away from you? Uh...It depends on whether Ohio or Pennsylvania is considered farther away.

55. Most annoying thing is: People

56. Bedtime? When I sleep.

57. Who will respond to this the fastest? No one, I'm guessing.

58. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? See #57

59. What time is it now? 10:26

Now for the junk from other surveys...

Were you named after anyone? Great Grandmother's family name. Was it her maiden name? No clue. But I do know that a few of my ancestors on that side made whiskey.

Do you wish on stars? Not often.

Which finger is your favorite? Right Ring.

When did you last cry? Two or three months ago.

Do you like your handwriting? I don't care about it, really.

What is your favorite lunch? *shrugs* SOmething hot.

If you were another person, would you be friends with you? No clue.

Are you a Daredevil? Nope

Do you pray? Not often, but yes.

Have you ever met anyone famous? Uh...Pauley Shore. He was at Tower Records when I went to California last year. Stood behind him in line.

Who is your second family? Nique and Logan, mainly. Beta seems to be a new addition. ALso a few people iRL.

Do you trust others easily? Depends on the person.

What was your favorite toy as a child? Alex. He's my teddy bear.

Have you ever been on radio or television? I think.

Do you like sappy love songs? Is it Celtic?

Do you have a journal? Of course not. Journals are for other people inferior to me. ;)

Have you ever intentionally hurt someone? Yes.

Do you like sarcasm? Depends.

Do you feel understood most of the time? Not really. Since I live to be confusing, though, it kind of makes sense.

Could you be a vegetarian? *hiss* Heathen!

Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? I wear boots. I have to.

What are you worried about right now? I don't worry about shit most of the time.

Do you ever wear overalls? I have none.

Do you think you are strong? How do you mean? Physically, I think I'm strong enough for most purposes. Emotionally, I'm a rock with a pudding center. Yes, I know that metaphor made no sense.

Do you sing in the shower: Nah. Can't remember the words.

If you had the choice to spin around the sun, or walk on the moon, which would you choose and why? Moon! A) It'd be more fun. B) I like the moon better.

If you could share that experience with one person, who would that be, and why? Whoever expressed an interest first.

What colour do you think best describes you and why? I like Beta's answer of "Hunter Green." I think most dark colors can represent me in my different moods. Not depressingly dark, though.

Do you believe that your dreams are a gateway to your soul? Yes. I also believe that other dreams are a gateway to the future. And that others are merely unrelated to anything.

If you could only choose one element to surround yourself with either a)wind, b)fire, c)earth, or d)water, which would you choose and why? Earth. I think it describes me really well. Unmoving, comforting, strong, silent. And, actually, I am silent sometimes.

If you had to paint a self-portrait would you make it a)realistic, b)abstract, or c)you'd rather die than have to pick up a paint brush? Explain your answer. Abstract. I can't draw worth shit, but I can at least get some basic feelings down.

Have you ever written or drawn on another person? If so who, and what did you write/draw? Hell yeah! Who in band hasn't?

All right, maybe we're not as much alike as I thought we were. But, hey! If it were my survey, I think it could show our similarities a lot better. In fact, any geeks could work with my survey.

I think I'll make it now.

1) Do you know the capabilities of the computer you're using right now? Hell no.

2) What's your favorite MP3 player? Winamp.

3) In AD&D, what is your favorite character class? Why? Thieves. They tend to have to look around things to get things done.

4) In AD&D, what do you think is your natural alignment? I'd say Chaotic Good off hand, but, when I think about myself, I realize that I'm more neutral than good. So, definitely Chaotic Neutral.

5) In Werewolf: The Apocalypse, what is your favored tribe? Changing Breed? Why? I like the Fianna really well, although the Children of Gaia are also neat. The Fianna are fun, Celtic, and can wipe the sneer off many Gets' faces. Children of Gaia because of the "I'm a pacifist, yet can still give an old-fashioned beatdown" bit. Combine different aspects of the two and you get my favorite Bete, the Gurahl. :)

6) Vampire - Favorite clan? Why? Gangrel or Malkavian, definitely. Gangrel because it's just plain fun to play a feral. Malkavian because it's just plain fun to be insane. ;)

7) (Yes, more roleplaying questions. It's what I know!) Changeling - Favored Kith? Why? Trolls. Definitely trolls. Their code of honor really appeals to me.

On that note, I'm going to stop. Frankly, I realized how stupid I feel by not being able to come up with anything but stuff involving White Wolf's World of Darkness.

I leave now. Slainte Mhath!

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