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It's not a hickey!


Does John-Boy feel like writing in a coherent form tonight? No. So I apologize for the most likely haphazard form that this entry is going to take. Then again, it might not. Whee!

Today was a band competition. We got fourth overall and #1 guard of the entire thing. Spring Valley got beat. Huzzah!

I married Leah on the band bus. So I now have two wives and a metric buttload of fiancees. I almost got a third wife, but Holly changed her mind at the last moment. :( Ah well.

I'm wearing a bandanna. I don't know why. But, with my leather jacket and boots, it looks like I'm trying for the biker look. Not having shaved for a few days really doesn't help me.

Heh. Coon nibbled my toes to try to get me to pet him today. He's so damn cute! (Note - Coon's a cat. He lives outside. He has a stripey tail that makes me think "raccoon," hence the name)

Kevin bit me today. It looks like I have a hickey on my neck. I swear that boy needs a muzzle. (Note - Kevin is Betsie's boyfriend. He bites things.)

I leave now. Slainte Mhath!

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