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retreat | go
Kill with power. Die! Die!


Heh heh. Manowar nifty. Download some Manowar. It good.

I realize I hadn't updated this little bastard since Monday or Sunday (I think Sunday), so I figured it's time to reward my faithful readers with a snippet from my life.

Monday, Logan did me a tremendous favor. He ordered me a copy of Gurahl. Let the rejoicing begin!

You see, the copy of Gurahl is somewhat significant because I'm pretty much done with being the storyteller for Mage right now. Instead, we're going to be doing Werewolf stuff on Tuesdays. :) I can play most of the Garou relatively well, I think, but I'd rather have a different character than the norm. So, I made a Ratkin character. A Munchmausen Umbral Pirate. Then I realized something...the rest of the troupe has even less werewolf experience than me. So, I figure p'raps a more serious character would be appropriate. Hence, the Gurahl. :)

I leave now. Someone *coughcoughMICHELLEcoughcough* keeps bonking me with a cyber-hammer. I must exact my revenge. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Slainte Mhath!

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