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retreat | go
Maryland, not Merry Land.


I don't know how or why, but church somehow woke me up today. Normally it makes me feel tired. Today, I just got over the bone-tiredness from getting four hours of sleep in 48 hours and then sleeping from 6 to 3 today. *shrugs* I dunno.

Friday, we left for Princeton. For some odd reason, the principal decided to call us out of class at 2:45 when Mr. Skaggs had already explained to him that we'd just go from class to the band room after school. So, because of that, I forgot exactly what I was supposed to do for French homework (no, Neek, I'm not supposed to French people). >.<

We won the football game. Oh huzzah.

After the game, we got on the buses (which sucked. Never get Cardinal Coach) to go to a 4H camp to spend the night. People seemed to entertain themselves by yelling at each other all night and not letting anyone get sleep. Which is exactly why I'm glad I had some good headphones and the fuzzy ball of tears tape. I woke up around four that morning due to people running about and turning on lights. Considering I was supposed to have woken up around 5, I was a bit peeved but I got over it. We had biscuits for breakfast.

When we got on the bus again (around 6, I think), I was surprised because no one slept. We watched movies and oohed and aahed at the huge freakin' fog banks all around us. It was especially cool when we went over the New River Bridge because you couldn't see the bridge and it looked like we were flying. :) We continued on our merry way, we watched Evita. Somehow I ended up with Leah in my lap and a pillow on my face. o.O

We got to the first competition. We competed. We left.

Really, there's not much else to this story. At our last competition, everyone was crying because everyone made mistakes that they thought ruined the show completely and such. Why they have to take it so damn personal, I don't know. But, our making mistakes aplenty is to be expected. You see, no one was focused. At the gate, before we were supposed to go on, everyone was talking and goofing off to the point that we couldn't hear the band when they were playing directly at us. Bleh.

I leave. Slainte Mhath, sayeth Tiger.

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