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Yeah, I wore a bra. Be proud or scared; I don't care which.


I'm never going to wear a bra again.

Today was "Switch Day" at school, where the guys were to come dressed as girls and the girls come as guys. Personally, I think "Drag Day" or "Transvestite Day" would be a more appropriate name, but no one consulted me. I'm not enough of a prep.

However, I was enough of a man to dress as a woman. Went to school in my Boy's State shirt, ironically. But, when Ashley got there, she gave me the clothes she brought for me. Dammit! She promised to bring me a school girl outfit. Instead, she brought something that made me look like a sixty year old teacher. So I was kind of peeved. However, people did tell me how sexy I look in a skirt and with makeup on. When I went into the Drama class in search of spirit gum (Sir needed it to put a beard on Skank), people whistled at me. *sighs* Why doesn't anyone understand I'm not really a whore?

"I can't believe they did it. They called me a whore!"

"Mrs. Peron, it's an easy mistake. They still call me Admiral even though I've given up the sea." - butchered quote from Evita.

Anyway, during lunch, Jessica noticed I wasn't wearing a bra. So she gave me hers. o.0 And then I could unbutton the top button of my blouse to get it on. *sighs* I felt so stupid.

Later, I stuffed it with napkins. John-Boy had boobies.


On that note, I'm going to leave. Slainte Mhath!

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