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Stats and Cats


Yesterday was good. Today's not that bad so far. I've got a cat in my lap.

What? You were expecting more from this? C'mon, it's John-Boy! I'm lazy, dammit.

Fine. You win. But you owe me.

Yesterday, I only had band for about an hour and that consisted of mostly sitting around waiting for the photographer to get there. Leah had me threaten to eat her little brother if he didn't stop bugging her, but that plan didn't work too well. Just didn't feel too intimidating, I guess.

Dave was supposed to leave for college yesterday, but he didn't. Mom was sick and Dad didn't feel like dragging David up there by himself, spending the money on a hotel room, and then coming back today without anyone to keep him company. So they left today, pretty early in the morning. Home alone time. :) No, you can't come over. No, there's no party. Yes, I'm wearing clothes.

Last night, I went to Logan's and we messed around and stuff. Watched the Chinpokomon episode of South Park, which I found to be really quite funny. I gave him his birthday present, a tiny book called "Scottish Toasts and Graces" that I picked up in North Carolina at the Highland Games when I went in July, as well as the Brujah clanbook. I also gave him Neek's present for him to give to her when he sees her. I could have just mailed it to her, but that would cost money and I'm a greedy little bastard. Plus sending the private courier may put a shiny light on it, too. :)

We also discussed old roleplaying characters and such (in other words, he discussed his old characters and I made appropriate "I'm Listening" noises. Despite what that sounds like, it was really neat; I just didn't have anything to add to the conversation). That's what gave me the idea to create John-Boy AD&D stats. In other words, how Logan and I thought I would be reflected in the AD&D world. For those interested, it was

STR - 10

DEX - 11

CON - 15

INT - 16

WIS - 13

CHA - 14

Despite the fact that some of those scores may seem a bit haughty (8 - 12's average), please keep in mind that it's not my fault. He made me do it. Basically, I put in the first three stats, he gave "suggestions" on the last three.

Then, with some extra time, I also decided to make my White Wolf stats. The basic attributes, but not the rest of the stuff, seeing as how that would require extra work. :)

STR - 2 CHA - 2 PER - 3

DEX - 2 MAN - 3 INT - 5

STA - 3 APP - 2 WIT - 4

Those are all what came from my mind, seeing as how I'm more familiar with WW stats than Logan is. Any questions on them can be emailed to me. I mean it. Any questions at all.


Email me, please! I'm desperate for attention!

All right, I'm leaving. Slainte Mhath, everyone!

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