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Sticks and Christianity.


Today has felt good. I had a dream this morning. The details I don't remember, but I can recall the gist of it.

Then again, it seems like I don't. There was a broken water main, an office building, and a couple of characters from MDK 2 (Kurt and Max).

Later in the day, after I had actually gotten up, I got a couple of DCI MP3s off Napster, washed the car, found some nifty old tapes, and trimme a few sticks for the duct tape treatment. Since that last one may be confusing to some of you, I'll explain.

I fight. With sticks. When I don't have a human opponent, I go out back and wail on a tree. Yes, I know it's stupid. But it's quite fun and quite stress relieving. Some of the fights I've been in with friends have been quite fierce, yet the worst injuries sustained have been nothing more than bruises and smashed thumbs. Don't try it at home, kiddies, we've been fighting together for five or six years and know each other well enough to prevent injuries. Also, we're pretty lucky. :)

Currently, I'm writing this in church. Call me blasphemous if you wish (considering smost of my known regular readers, I dobut you have room to talk. ;) ), but this is where the muse has struck me. We have a visiting guy preaching tonight who sings very well and has shared some interesting stories about his missionary work in China. One of his stories is of two teenaged girls who felt that God was calling them to be missionaries. They told their pastor, who a bit dubious about two teenagers who had been converted only six months ago, but the girls insisted. So he sent them to an island off the coast of China for about two years. When they cam back to report their progress, the pastor insisted they speak with two visiting Englishmen. Through a translator, the Englishmen basically heard a lot of "Oh, we're so sorry. We're only two girls and we've been Christians for only two years. We didn't know what we were doing. We wish we could have done so much better." They finally got around to telling their story. Turns out that when they showed up, they were hated. So they prayed. A lot. When they left, they left 13 churches. Actually, that was a bit of a translation error. They had 30. So, they apologized some more. A lot more. Then they revealed that the smallest of the churches was 300 members and that the biggest was just shy of 5,000. That's pretty damn impressive, folks. And that's all the work of two untrained teenage girls who felt God gave them a mission. And they still thought they hadn't done even decently!

I leave. Slainte Mhath!

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