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retreat | go


You know, I feel like writing but I honestly don't have any clue as what to write about. I just got home from church, where I once again pushed the buttons at the appropriate times (I'm considered technologically irreplacable at my church because I can push arrow keys in order to change the lyrics being projected on the big screen) and wrote crappy philosophical poetry during the sermon. Then I walked home, where something odd didn't happen for the first time in several weeks. For the past couple of weeks, when I walked home from church on Sunday evenings, no one I knew passed by honking the horn and/or waving. I was waved at, sure, but that's because I greet every car that passes with the old "Smiling Nod" that lets people know you acknowledge that they exist. It seems to please people, I think.

I was feeling more creative when I started this. Ah well...the only other thing I'd write about would be my dreams from this morning and yesterday morning, but I don't really remember those. I think there were hallways in one of them. That's about as good as I can get it. Anyway, you've had your daily update from John-Boy. And there was much rejoicing.

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