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I remembered my dream from the night before last. I was walking around outside the local middle school on a rainy day. I walked around for awhile until the tardy bell rang and I strolled on inside of the school, running into a few teachers who gave me dirty looks. Then my mom, who was working there, told me to get myself to room number 11, which I suddenly knew was also my age, even though I was still 6'2" and hairy as a coconut. I walked in there (which was the same room I had had seventh grade Reading) and took a seat. I noticed that the room smelled sterile, instead of the usual smell of chalk dust, wintergreen mints, and the faint overtone of lemony smelling stuff that the janitors used. A black boy with a shaven head and big ears turned in his seat to wave at me before turning back around and paying attention to the teacher, who was teaching, but really just standing there. The rows the desks were in kept shifting around every time I blinked too, which seemed quite normal. But everybody was singing a stupid song. It wasn't a bad song, and they weren't singing it together. Just individuals sang a part as they felt like it, stopped, and someone else picked up where they left off. It was actually a good song, but I found it annoying anyway. End of dream.

Today, I had to wake up at the ungodly hour of Before Noon so I could help my mommy at the church's bible school. Mom had the role of story teller, so had me be Goliath. It was all right, although some of the kids were quite annoying. They were interested in me and my sword, though. And I got to bug my step-niece-in-law, who was volunteering with the little kids, so that was good. :)

I also got my ACT scores today. Huzzah for me, for I think I did well. I got a 27 in English, 25 in Math, 31 in Reading, and 29 Science Reasoning, adding up to a composite score of 28. None of that really means anything to me, so I look at the percentile scores. 88% English, 81% in Math, 94% in Reading, and 96% in Science Reasoning, equaling a composite of 93%. So, chances are, I did better than 93% of the people I know, so I can celebrate with butter and cheese. Well, actually neither. Instead, I shall celebrate with bread. Mom and I went to the grocery store today and picked up a crusty French loaf, which I love. So life's good today. Huzzah!

All right, enough of me rambling. How about you ramble? Contact me and such! I love mail!


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