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Drills and Thrills


Well, today's been up and down, so far. This morning I had a dream that I had been planning on writing about, but I didn't have the chance to get to a computer before I had forgotten. That's because once I woke up and ate breakfast, it was almost immediately time for me to get myself to the dentist's office. It's a new dentist; the old one, Dr. King, had finally gotten around to retiring. The new dentist, though, seems like a rather nice lady. It seems like I'm almost exactly like her nephew, except I'm much bigger and I think a little older. We had a nice chat whilst getting my teeth cleaned, but I ended up finding out that I have four cavities. They're pretty much all in places that I cannot reach very well with a toothbrush, so it was bound to happen. And my wisdom teeth are impacted, so I have to get them out sometime too. I think the timing for this could be a lot better (maybe a week or two earlier would be better) because I'm about to start band practice, and I can't really play that well if my mouth is still numb from anasthetics. Plus I wouldn't be able to whip my section into some semblance of shape by band camp if I'm out half the time to get fillings (which I have to get done in seperate sessions). So blah.

On a brighter side, though, I just recently got back from seeing "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson. It was a very well put together movie. If you like action, go see it. If you like an action movie with a plot, then go see it. And if you want to see Mel go crazy with a hatchet, then go freakin' see it. I think it'll give Gladiator a run for it's money as "Big Summer Movie." I'm hoping "X-Men" will also be able to give a run for that title, but I think it's just going to come off as "all right." Special effects should be cool, though. :)

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