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Weird Dream Day


Last night I had a really freaky dream. When it started out, I was at my friend Logan's house, but it wasn't in the same location. In the backyard I think Venom and Spiderman were fighting a pile of sludge shaped like Tim Allen. I talked to them and Spiderman suddenly disappeared. What happened next, I don't remember, but I remember fences. I'm thinking labor camp?

The next part that I remember is being in a music store to audition for something on drums and piano, along with someone from my school named Brian. Brain actually played those instruments, but I got the part, even though I had no idea what I was doing. And we suddenly broke out into a jazz-filled jam session where I again played piano. When that ended, we all collected in the front of the store and were suddenly transported to an alternate universe's version of just outside my garage. We immediately took cover, because the pencils I had in my pocket had been made into a giant size and were falling from the sky in sections. And a giant motorcycle of Tim Allen's (who was in a non-sludge form this time) had appeared over my house.

Our appearance and our reactions were being watched by this group of short humanoid things with only one eye. Suddenly their heads disappeared and were replaced by magnifying glasses, which caught the sun and filled the sky with coherent light beams in a web pattern. They were unsatisfied with us and decided to make us leave. I walked down the driveway and took a left. When I was coming to cross a street, though, a school bus passed and suddenly me and my companions were back in the music store, racing motorcycles between the pianos.

Now, I am very confused by this dream. It made no sense and I have no way to figure out what the hell it was all about. If you have any ideas, feel free to contact me.

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